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The story of Mr. Sunny side up Egg


Lately I kinda like to learn cooking. Not just a cooking actually, it is a story. Maybe we can call it cooking with background tale, or a narration. Whatever… let’s just come close to the stage…

Mr Sunny side upHello, I am Mr. Egg. Tonight is my execution day. I might not be around anymore. But I hope my spirit and my idea will always remain in your mind.





They carved me like idol, shape me with fashion. So as I thought that I‘m the luckiest human alive. Errr,not human actually






But, yeah you know, the fact is too harsh. I‘m being consumed. My mind, my soul, and even my bright big yellow eyed at foremost. Bad for me…






Shure it is. I will always remain in your heart. No? Ah at least I‘ll remain in your mouth, then your throat, then your stomach… and finally ahhhh… I will exit… 🙂


Chelsea vs MU, skakmat !

Akhir-akhir ini gi banyak tugas

Tapi, walaupun begitu, saya masih sempet-sempetin browsing cari-cari artikel menarik

Kebetulan akhir-akhir ini yang jadi fokus saya tuh maen catur sama sepakbola. Jadi ya otomatis yang saya browsing yang berhubungan ama bola (final liga Champions) ama cara maen catur (maklum saya cupu, hehe). Sebagai informasi saya ini penggemar berat Chelsea FC.

Konon cerita, masuklah saya ke suatu situs,
, kira-kira berisi bagaimana cara mengalahkan musuh dalam 2 langkah (maen catur)
TIba-tiba saja terbesit dalam pikiran, gmana kalo buat gambar papan catur, dmana bidaknya itu logo setannya chelsea sama MU. Dan posisinya CHelsea sedang men-skakmat MU.

Singkat cerita, akhirnya dihasilkanlah gambar seperti ini :

skakmat MU

Keren kan ?!?! hehehe….

Untuk menghasilkan gambar itu dibutuhkan resource gambar sebagai berikut :

Papan Catur

Papan Catur

dua langkah mati

Dua langkah Mati

Setan Chelsea vs setan MU

Orang Amerika ngunjungin blog gwa

Apakah kamu punya blog?

Saya yakin 80% orang yang pernah membaca artikel ini mempunyai blog.

Analisis saya ialah karena seandainya seseorang membaca blog orang-lain, alasannya bisa karena :

  • Mendapat referreral dari search engine (mesin pencari), atau
  • Yang bersangkutan ingin sengaja blog walking untuk mencari inspirasi mengisi blognya (yang ini lebih sering terjadi)

Analisa penguat lainnya ialah karena orang yang mempunyai blog itu selayaknya orang yang sedang berbisnis, mengeluarkan banyak untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih banyak lagi. Maksudnya, biasanya orang-orang penge-blog (hehe, istilah baru) itu sengaja berkomentar di blog orang lain supaya alamat blog nya tercantum di blog orang lain itu, sehingga jika blog inang-nya terkenal, blog pengkomentar ini bisa ikut terkenal.

Contohnya bisa dilihat di blog-nya om Budi Rahardjo di

Saking terkenalnya blog om rahard ini, orang-orang banyak pengen ikutan cari nama lewat komentar yang kebanyakan gak mutu (hehe, peace ah !!!)

Udah ah, kok jadi ngelantur. Kalo berhenti di sini jadi topik dan isi postingan ini gak nyambung.

Seandarinya di blog yang kalian miliki itu terdapat fitur tracker pengunjung, maksudnya yang bisa ngedeteksi lokasi online yang baca blog kita (kayak yang terdapat di sebelah kanan postingan ini, lihat deh), maka hampir dapat dipastikan bahwa selain dari negara asal kamu dan sekitarnya, maka pengunjung paling banyak berasal dari Amerika Serikat (USA). Hal itu juga terjadi walaupun di blog kamu sama sekali gak ada topik yang pake bahasa Inggris.

Mengapa hal itu bisa terjadi ?

Awalnya, saya juga merasa penasaran. Walaupun ada beberapa postingan saya yang pake bahasa Inggris, tapi saya masih belom yakin kalo para Yankee itu begitu tertariknya sama postingan saya yang gak mutu (hehe). Setelah saya pikir2, ternyata jawabannya itu sederhana sekali.

Mereka itu bukan manusia ternyata…..

Jadi siapa dong, masa Alien ??!!?

Wah, kalo itu mah yang sekarang lagi gencar2nya diuber sama NASA. Gak mungkin lah mereka, setidaknya kalopun ada seharusnya mereka gak punya kepentingan sama isi di blog gwa. Atau jangan2 gwa itu keturunan keluarga Witwicky yang lagi diincer sama Megatron (hahahahaha !!!)

Pernahkah kamu berpikir kalo situs di dunia ini yang mempunyai hits pengunjung paling banyak adalah mesin pencari (search engine)? Mereka secara rutin berjalan-jalan membaca ke semua halaman web di dunia ini dalam satuan minggu atau bahkan hari. Secara sederhananya, mereka semua itu (robot crawler-nya search engine) adalah blog walker dengan konsumsi tulisan paling banyak sejagad. Kamu gak akan bisa ngalahin mereka dalam membaca blog, kecuali kalo akses internet kamu minimal 10 mbps, dan bisa membaca keseluruhan isi dalam suatu blog hanya dalam waktu kurang lebih 10 detik.

Di dunia internet ini, search engine ada sangat banyak sekali. Tapi yang paling terkenal ada 4, yakni Google, Yahoo, MSN, lalu Altavista. Mereka semua asalnya dari Amerika Serikat (USA). Nah, kalo udah gitu, jelas kan mengapa Amerika Serikat adalah salah satu negara yang paling banyak ngebaca blog kamu.


Happy blog walking, dear Indonesian and American bots !!!

What can a Coder do with binaries

WARNING : This posting contains some offensive and sexual material. You’d better not read this articles 😀

Sometimes, you may think that a coder is a geek, nerd, and even bored. What they always do is just sitting in front of PC doing crazy stuff, like code thousand lines of nothing or what.

Yeah, perhaps they created a nice stuff once in their lifetime, like that GTA game that we always play in the noon with some bored friends of us.

But, I’m pretty sure you are not quite understand with what they can really do in the dawn time (yeah, most of this freaks still wake-up until a least 5 am 🙂 ).

They can make a very….very…very nice stuff with this fuckin’ binaries. They can generate so many things, they can hack so many systems, and even they really can shocked you up by stealing money from your credit card. But I’m pretty sure that you will not enjoy this kind of topic. So, I will only serve a simple and nice descriptive ’bout what things they can do with those binaries.

Like this


(the pic above is purely binaries, just click to enlarge if you not believe)


Looking for more?

Ok. I’ve uploaded this “what coders can do” things on site.

They are pure HTML, and so pure binaries 1-0.

You can copy and paste em to word processor and embed ’em to your homework for ‘A’ (only if your lecturer is a man), or ‘F’ (if it is woman)



nb : dont blame me if you are offended. I’ve told you 🙂 

[JOKE] Statements by lawyers

These are from a book called Disorder in the Courts of America , and are things attorneys actually said in court, word for
word, taken down and now published by court reporters, who had to suffer from the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place.

ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn’t it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn’t know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

____________ _________ _________ __________

ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Would you repeat the question?

____________ _________ _________ ________

ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?

____________ _________ _________ ________

ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death.
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: ??!!??

____________ _________ _________ ________

ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard.
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS: ??!!???!
____________ _________ _________ ________

ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy on him.

____________ _________ ________ _________

ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: But could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practising law!


wkwwkw 😀