JqGrid on Codeigniter

Lately I’m developing a portal , using codeigniter as framework, and jqgrid as view grid,,

It’s so great and maximize the lookability of my site.

Later I’ll describe more about how to things…

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About sisusilo

I was born after we celebrate youngman promise about their commitment to this country

6 responses to “JqGrid on Codeigniter”

  1. Andres B says :

    hi, maybe doy you know how make the SEARCH works?
    I’m having problems with that, thanks

  2. antonrifco says :

    my code is working too for searching…

    perhaps I can help you if you show here your html / script code…

  3. nuri says :

    jangan lupa dokumentasi n share ke kita2 yah

  4. Jerome says :


    perhaps you can help me with jqgrid and Codeigniter.

    I have somethings like this but i have no data in my grid ?
    json is ok in phpinfo().
    Have you an idea?


    $.jgrid.no_legacy_api = true;
    $.jgrid.useJSON = true;

    datatype: ‘json’,
    colNames:[‘Id’,’LastName’, ‘FirstName’,’Phone’,’Mail’,’Login’],
    colModel :[
    {name:’Id’, index:’Id’, width:55},
    {name:’LastName’, index:’LastName’, width:90},
    {name:’FirstName’, index:’FirstName’, width:80, align:’right’},
    {name:’Phone’, index:’Phone’, width:80, align:’right’},
    {name:’Mail’, index:’Mail’, width:80, align:’right’},
    {name:’Login’, index:’Login’, width:80, align:’right’}
    pager: ‘#pager’,
    sortname: ‘Id’,
    sortorder: ‘desc’,
    viewrecords: true,
    caption: ‘My first grid’

    total = “2”;
    $responce->page = “1”;
    $responce->records = “20”;

    $query = $this->db->query(‘SELECT Id, LastName, FirstName, Phone, Mail, Login FROM user WHERE Available = 1 ORDER BY LastName, FirstName’);
    foreach ($query->result() as $row)

    echo json_encode($responce);

  5. Kugutsumen says :

    Hi guys maybe you can try this codeigniter library for the jqgrid implementation, configurations are done in php it can support basic crud and search functionality. heres the blog

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